for the Reverse AutoImmune Disease Detox Summit
Use the links below to get the most from this page!
This is your DAILY LINK to each day’s talks. You may need to clear your browser history when a new day starts! We will receive an email notification when the summit goes live, so watch out for those emails!
Free access to summit talks will start on October 3, 2020 and will end on October 7, 2020. You will have 24 hours to the daily speaker talks. Access will begin by 9:00 AM U.S. Eastern Time and will end by 8:59 AM U.S. Eastern Time of the next day.
Going from fatigued to energized is a process. It’s not usually one thing that creates an autoimmune disease, hormone havoc, or cancer. It’s not normally one food or one habit that causes you to gain weight. Likewise, it’s not just one intervention that’s going to get you to optimal health and full-vitality. What you’ll learn from this book:
* The Seven Main Chemical Hormone Disruptors and Energy Drains
* The Seven Main Food Hormone Disruptors and Energy Drains
* The Seven Main Mental Hormone Disruptors and Energy Drains
* How to Work with Food Effortlessly Through My Easy to Make Hormone Balancing,
Anti-inflammatory, Energy-Boosting Medicinal Food Recipes
DIY Autoimmune Home Detox, a handy guide containing over 50 recipes you can use in the home to banish toxins and chemicals from your day to day life and make your home a happier, healthier place for you and your family.