Attention: If You’re a Person Who Feels Broken or Feeling Fatigue From Autoimmune Disease… Read Every Word Below!
Causes and Healing Pathways
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5 Summit Presentations!
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Are You Finally Ready To Be Free From Past Trauma?Get Access To 5 Of The Summit Presentations Today

Learn How To Have a Memory And Brain That Work
You don’t need to risk brain fog when you have the blueprint to beat autoimmune disease that will help you get there without the guesswork.

Discover Simple Ways to Age Gracefully
With the right tools YOU CAN age with a healthy outlook on life and all without making dangerous changes to your body just to look young.

Are you ready for proven solutions to help you create the healthy, glowing skin that you’ve always wanted? If you want to avoid inflammation, harmful topical creams or gut wrecking medications, then you’re in the right place!

Finally Be Free From Your Pain
Even if you believe that you’ve tried everything and you’ve lost faith in the “autoimmune illness” solutions out there, you no longer have to worry about feeling lost. Success can be yours even if you believe that you’ve tried literally everything.

You Can Feel Young Again
You may have been feeling that unnecessary surgeries or pills may be your only solution simply because you haven’t found another way yet. Well, you’re about to get the keys to help change the game.

Find Out How to Revive Your Libido
There’s no better way to accomplish this than with the strategies that you’ll learn in the summit. Learn how to revive your libido simply and effectively without limiting your life-force vitality to just feel sexual in the process.

And if that wasn’t enough, the wisdom that could be yours in just moments from now will give you with the exact processes and strategies to…
Quickly Reduce Your Inflammation
Finally Reverse Your Autoimmune Disease
Effortlessly Get Into A Collaborative Relationship With Your Body
Secretly Begin Putting Yourself First
Easily Let Go Of Your Self-limiting Beliefs
And so much more!

Plus You’ll Receive These Valuable Bonuses

Emotional First Aid Kit

DIY Autoimmune Home Detox
By: Dr. Keesha Ewers
While it’s almost impossible to control our toxic exposure while out and about in modern cities, there’s a lot that can be done to detoxify the home. This book contains over 50 recipes that you can make from all-natural ingredients to replace potentially toxic chemicals in your day to day life and make your home, your body, and the planet a happier, healthier place.
Retail value of $25.00

By: Dr. Keesha Ewers
Knowing what neurotransmitters are being impacted is the first step to fixing them. This is your first step to recovery from:
■ Anxiety
■ Panic
■ Insomnia
■ Depression
■ Irritability
■ Lack of Focus
■ Low Libido
Your scores in each of the five sections of this questionnaire (based on the work of Julia Ross) will identify which of your brain’s hormones are not communicating well.
Retail value of $25.00

COVID-19 Expert Interview Series
By: Dr. Keesha Ewers
A global pandemic means global trauma – and it’s not just physical. Even if you haven’t been infected with or exposed to COVID-19, I’m sure you are feeling the impact. We all are. Humans are social creatures, and isolation can be lonely and terrifying, especially if you’re watching too many mainstream media reports.
That’s why I’m bringing you this series of expert interviews. It’s time we talked about what we can do to protect ourselves and others, instead of becoming paralyzed with fear. It’s important to remember that there’s still a lot that you can control – for your own health and for the good of others.
Retail value is priceless

Non Toxic Beauty MakeOver Guide
By: Diane Kazer
Inside This Free Guide You’ll Discover:
My most powerful hormone transforming tips designed to help you radically up-level your energy, mood & metabolism, fast.
Here’s what you can look forward to:
* The REAL root cause for your Hormonal imbalances. And what to do about them…for GOOD.
* The Top 3 Supplements every woman needs for all day energy, natural beauty and soul vitality via gut, hormonal and cleansing support
* How to ditch the bloat and get the SEXY BELLY you’ve been seeking (I created these steps alongside a world renowned GI doctor!)
* How to amplify your body’s ability to burn fat with our tribe’s favorite digestive tonic (top athletes and bikini competitors were blown away by how effective this one is)
* The BEST Way to Cleanse…most of us are taught band-aid solutions, which cause more hormonal upset. Let’s do this right girl!
* 5 of my most POPULAR recipes that have helped women (and their family) kick caffeine, sugar and junk food to the CURB.
Retail value of $49.00

7 root causes of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
By: Beth O’Hara
Beth has created this free guide for anyone who’s wondering if their health issues are related to Histamine Intolerance and Mast Cells. Here’s what you’ll learn:
* How those with chronic Lyme disease who aren’t getting better (and other sick people) might actually have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
*Why “healthy” foods for those with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome can easily cause you to feel worse
*Little known Genetic factors that can determine whether you heal or not
*The secret hormone linchpin for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome recovery success
*Connecting mold, mycotoxins and histamine problems (simplified for you)
*Not to mention you’ll learn all of the 7 most common root causes I see in my Mast Cell Activation Syndrome clients.
Retail value of $39.00

Healthy Living eBook Bundle including “Chronic CEO – Your Chronic Illness Blueprint to Change Your Trajectory, Increase Productivity, and Maintain Balance.”
By: Holly Bertone
Imagine…becoming the BOSS of your chronic illness and changing your trajectory. Finally! “Chronic CEO” walks you through the blueprint to change your trajectory, increase energy and productivity, and maintain balance. It maps out a game plan and gives you the resources you need to become the BOSS of your chronic illness. Plus you’ll receive 10+ additional eBooks and printables to help you on your healing journey.
Retail value of $99.00
The 7 Steps to Healing Emotional Trauma and Building Resilience
By: Niki Gratrix
Get your Adverse Childhood Event (ACE) Score.
Understand the prevalence and impact of ACEs on health across a lifetime.
Understand the mechanisms of how your childhood biography becomes your biology in adulthood.
Learn and apply the 7 Steps to Healing Childhood Trauma and Building Resilience.
Retail value of $25.00

Hot, Not Bothered
By: Debra Atkinson
Hot, Not Bothered: 99 Daily Flips to Slimmer, Trimmer, Fitter Faster So You Can Master Menopause Metabolism Before, During, and (long) After Menopause is a book with small simple daily tips, reminders, and reinforcing messages about just how much little things matter. Improve your next workout, your next sleep, or your next morning or more with these little changes- all 99+ backed by research about women in perimenpause and beyond.
Retail value of $99 (including bonuses)

QuickStart Guide to Great Gut Health for Kids

Emotional Freedom Technique to Curb Sugar Cravings and Sugar Addiction Webinar
By: Florence Christophers
This 2-hour webinar details the 3 biggest mistakes people make when trying to kick sugar. Identify and fix these mistakes and freedom can come quickly and easily. This webinar includes a complimentary 30-minute private coaching call where you can ask me anything about the webinar and how to get sugar free using the strategies and insights I share.
Retail value of $97.00

Dr. Cass’ Brain Questionnaire
By: Dr. Hyla Cass
Nationally acclaimed innovator and expert in the fields of integrative medicine, psychiatry, and addiction recovery, Dr. Cass helps individuals to take charge of their health. She specializes in helping individuals to withdraw from both psychiatric medication and substances of abuse with the aid of natural supplements.
Dr. Cass appears often as a guest on national radio and television, including The Doctors, The Dr. Oz Show, E! Entertainment, and The View, and in national print media. She is the author of several best-selling books including: Natural Highs, 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health, Supplement your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutrition, and The Addicted Brain and How to Break Free.
Retail value is priceless

Discover the 3 Stages of Recovery from Childhood Abuse
By: Rachel Grant
The road to recovery is much easier when you know what stage you’re in and what to do next. Find out exactly where you are in your healing journey and what kind of support you need right now. This FREE 9-page guide will give you the answers you’ve been seeking.
Retail value of $75.00

EBook: 5 Steps to a Healthy, Happy Child
By: Dr. Elisa Song
As mamas and papas, we all want to make sure that our kids are healthy and happy, and experience lives full of vitality and wellness. But how do we that?
How do we make sure that we give our kids the best chance in life, when so many of our kids are suffering from chronic health concerns such as ADHD, autism, autoimmune illness, anxiety, depression, asthma, eczema, reflux and chronic constipation?
Now, more than ever, we as parents need to know what to do, and what NOT to do.
I’m holistic mama doc – Elisa Song, MD. Read on as I share the 5 steps that I’ve learned in my decades as a holistic integrative pediatrician and mama to raising healthy, happy kids for a lifetime
Retail value of $25.00

Empowerment Visualization Meditation
By: Ashley Easter
Step into your strength, tap into your intuition, and embrace your future self in this powerful visualization meditation.
Retail value of $22.00

The B.I.T.C.H. Code Blueprint
By: Antia Boyd
Get FREE Access To The B.I.T.C.H. Code Blueprint PDF, PLUS A Free 1:1 “Magnetize Your Man” 15 Min. Heart-2-Heart Call With Antia Below (9 Spots Available!)
Retail value is priceless

Smoothie Recipe Book
By: Chantel Ray
Over 20 delicious and healthy smoothie recipes.
Retail value of $40.00

What the EMF? Creating a Healthy Home: Air and Water
By: Risa Suzuki
Cleaning up EMFs in your home is a great start to making your house start working for your health and not taking away from it. This guide and checklist from Risa will help you get on your way to remediating EMF fields in your home!
Retail value is priceless

List of Addictive Substance and Foods That Are Actually Foods
By: Dr. Joan Ifland
Distinguishing between foods that are actually addictive substances and foods that are actually food can be challenging. Dr. Joan Ifland has provided a list of suggested unprocessed foods with quantities and the excluded food list for you as a resource.
Retail value is priceless

What A Good Eater!
By: Alessandra Macaluso
This free gift contains recipes, great information, and a sampling of herbs and spices we feature in our book along with their health benefits and ideas for how to use them in your kitchen every day for babies and toddlers.
Retail value is priceless
Meet Your Summit Host – Dr. Keesha Ewers
Our Presenters
Amazing Presentations From Our World-Class Experts
Befriending Perfectionism for Autoimmune Reversal…a Reframe on Perfectionism Being an Enemy
Dr. Keesha Ewers
Western psychology teaches that shame, fear and perfectionism are negative feelings and are part of the recipe of chronic disease. Buddhist psychology has a different perception and definition of each of these. Break free of the tryanical need to always “be positive” or you will “attract illness” thought process and replace it with this kinder, gentler and compassionate way of being with yourself.
Kick Bone Crushing Fatigue Without Dangerous Energy Drinks/Drugs
Kiran Krishnan
You have over 100 trillion microscopic bugs that live in your intestinal tract. This is what is commonly referred to as the microbiome. Join Kiran Krishnan and me as we talk about the role these microbes play in your immune health, mood, energy and stamina. Science has moved beyond just using any probiotic with lots of CFUs to creat gut health. We now know it’s much more nuanced than that. Find out why.n Here
The Four Principles of Energy Field Healing to Reverse Autoimmunity and Boost Your Immune System During the COVID-19 Crisis
Harry Massey
Healing from Sexual Abuse
Rachel Grant
If you have a history of sexual abuse you might be feeling sick and tired of feeling broken and unfixable. Learn how to move from feeling worthless, undeserving, or unlovable to a place of thriving and loving yourself and your life.
If you are ready to live a powerful, normal life free from the burdens of the past and pain then tune in as I interview Rachel Grant about her journey of spending years trying to heal and finally discovering how to breakthrough her past.
The Role of Peptides in Autoimmune Disease Reversal
Dr. Kent Holtorf
A peptide is a short chain of amino acids that are linked together, and can be thought of as a small protein. To date, over 7,000 naturally-occurring peptides have been identified. In our bodies, these small proteins typically act as signaling molecules. They bind to receptors on the cell surface and tell other cells and molecules what to do. Peptide therapy has shown positive results in patients with CFS, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Lyme disease, and fibromyalgia, among other autoimmune conditions. Join me in a conversation with Dr. Kent as we discuss the role of peptides in health recovery and autoimmune disease reversal.
Four Advantages to Attending Online For Free!

Learn From 30+ Top Autoimmune Disease Experts
Ever wonder why some people seem to have it all and others end up drawing the short stick? Learn from 30+ world-class experts in the industry share their advice on healing your autoimmune disease and receive a proven blueprint to be able to individualize your treatment and navigate your way out of autoimmune hell.

Time Saving, Expense Free Education
Bypass long lines waiting airport lines, skip past checking into overpriced, unsanitary hotel rooms and spend less time away from your family. With our time saving, expense free education platform, you can learn effortlessly without having to travel.

Learning Designed For Success

High Quality Educational Expert Resources
Watch a Sample Presentation
Presentations are available in both video and audio for easy access.
Presenter: Rachel Grant
Topic: Healing from Sexual Abuse
Limited Time Only!
Claim Your Free Pass To All Presentations & Free Launch Bonuses!
Hurry! Catch This Expert-Level Training Before Time Expires!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is The Reverse Autoimmune Disease Summit?
The 5-day digital event that aired last April 13 – 17, 2020 consisted of 30+ world-class experts in the field of autoimmune disease who are sharing their inside secrets, tactics, and strategies on healing your autoimmune issues fast.
Are travel accommodations required to attend?
No! The Reverse Autoimmune Disease Summit is an online virtual event you attend from any location using any device when your schedule permits. Our expert interviews and presentations are available for free on the day they launch for the summit to anyone who has claimed their free pass. Access links are emailed each day of the summit for the presentations going live that day.
The summit can’t really be free… what’s the catch?
Registration to get access to 5 of the presentations of the Reverse Autoimmune Disease Summit is currently free. Once registration has been confirmed, you will be redirected to the access page. If you think you might miss any of these vitally important training sessions, you may want to consider securing access to the recordings, professional notes, and amazing bonuses. You’ll see the VIP Pass Offer after you register for your free pass above.
Do you have a question not answered here? Simply email and we’ll get back to you with an answer as soon as possible. You can also call us at: (425) 391-3376
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