Welcome to The Autoimmune Brain Summit
Feel Stuck, Frustrated Or Simply Want To Reverse Your Autoimmune Disease Faster?… Apply To Schedule A One-on-one Evaluation Call With Dr. Keesha Today
Going from fatigued to energized is a process. It’s not usually one thing that creates an autoimmune disease, hormone havoc, or cancer. It’s not normally one food or one habit that causes you to gain weight. Likewise, it’s not just one intervention that’s going to get you to optimal health and full-vitality. What you’ll learn from this book: * The Seven Main Chemical Hormone Disruptors and Energy Drains * The Seven Main Food Hormone Disruptors and Energy Drains * The Seven Main Mental Hormone Disruptors and Energy Drains * How to Work with Food Effortlessly Through My Easy to Make Hormone Balancing, Anti-inflammatory, Energy-Boosting Medicinal Food Recipes